& Mentoring

Coaching und Mentoring Workshop

Mein Ansatz

Du bist Designer:in und möchtest deine Karriere auf die nächste Stufe heben? 
Als Designerin mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung in Festanstellung, als Freelancerin und als Gründerin teile ich mein Wissen und unterstütze andere Designer:innen bei ihrem Werdegang oder schule Designinteressierte in Design Methoden.


Seit Anfang 2023 gebe ich regelmäßig mein Wissen auf der Plattform ADPList weiter und stehe mit Rat und Tat anderen Designern zu Seite.

Falls Du in den Austausch gehen möchtest dann buche einfach eine kostenlose Sitzung bei mir und wir schauen uns an wo du stehst und wie ich dich am besten unterstützen kann.

ADPList Wrapped
ADPList Wrapped
Statistik, 2023

Internes Schulungsprogramm

In meiner Zeit bei DAYONE hatte ich das Vergnügen über 1,5 Jahre an einem internen Weiterbildungsprogramm namens DIaaS® zu arbeiten und die Mitarbeiter:innen bei DAYONE in Design Methoden zu schulen. Mein Wissen gebe ich gerne weiter.

Besprechung BüroFranzi lacht vor WhiteboardBesprechungraumMiro BoardDIaaS Live


Bei NEUGELB habe ich nicht nur die Bänker in Design Methoden Wissen geschult sondern dufte an einem Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Neugelb und der Hochschule hd_a teilnehmen, bei dem ich Studenten über mehrere Monate in Design Thinking Methodik schulen und unterrichten dufte. Meine Verantwortung lag in der Koordination und Durchführung der Work-Sessions sowie in der Anleitung des Teams. 

Unser Team schaffte es bis zur finalen Präsentation im Commerzbank-Tower.

Zum Projekt
Coaching Projekt
2019 Page November
NEUGELB: Die Höhle der Löwen „Studenten machen Bank“ 2019
Behance LogoPage Logo

Formate: UX Day

Um das Methoden Wissen intern auszubauen habe ich zusammen mit weiteren Designern einen UX Day bei Neugelb organisiert in dem alle UX und Service Designer an einem Tag zusammen an Methodik und Wissensaustausch gearbeitet haben, um so die Designreife (Design Maturity) bei NEUGELB zu erhöhen.


Austausch und eine Methodendatenbank die die tägliche Arbeit von allen Designern erleichtert und Orientierung bietet.

UX DayUX Day Format
UX Design ProzessUX Prozess 1

Was Mentees über mich sagen

5 Sterne

„I really enjoyed my session with Franziska. She is direct and gets straight to the point. She gave me lots of useful tips."

Ipek Moosheimer 🇩🇪
UI/UX Designer, SYNCPILOT Group

„The session with Franziska was very clear, constructive and goal-orientated. I can highly recommend her as a mentor for anyone who is searching constructive, honest and professional feedback ☺︎"

Corinne Schlichting ☺︎ 🇩🇪
UX∞UI Designer, Freelance

„Franziska took the time to listen and provided me with valuable resources, links and insights. She's also very clear and honest. Thanks again!"

Claire Chéry 🇩🇪
Designer at GO2 Markets

„Franziska is a very helpful and insightful mentor!”

Selin Erbak 🇩🇪
UI Designer Student, CareerFoundry

„We talked beyond just the project, what I actually had planned to talk about, which was very very helpful for the framing of the project and my approach in general for me as a newbie. Very encouraging, shared agency insights and framed helpfully so I now understand what to prioritize, what is expected from and needed for my portfolio.”

Frau mit Brille Schwarz Weiß
Sine Ludvigsen 🇩🇪
UX/UI student, Spiced Academy

„Franziska shares great insights and provides different ways of solving it. She has great attention to detail, which is what I like about the sessions.”

Gauri vedak 🇺🇸
Student, IUPUI

„It was an amazing session with Franzi, She is very kind and polite, she listened to my issues and addressed them while going into details. She gave me constructive feedback over my Portfolio and I will definitely going to work on it. Will have another session very soon.”

Mann vor Wand
Muhammad Ejaz Asghar 🇧🇪
Art Director, Digitz-Digitas

„Franzi is an incredibly thorough and professional mentor who provided me with invaluable guidance and support in just two sessions. She took the time to understand my goals and challenges and I look forward to meeting with her again.”

Alison Yi🇺🇸
Multidisciplinary Designer at Product Design

„I had my mock interview with Franziska and she was very patient in listening to me and giving me the right feedback that helped me ace my interview. She is very knowledgable about interview tips and also get clarity on my motivation as a designer. Thanks a lot!”

Frau lacht in Kamera
apoorva narayan 🇩🇪
Product Designer, UX/UI Designer at SRH School for Design and Communication

„Franzi conducted a mock interview with me. Even though I was nervous, Franzi was encouraging and friendly, providing me with constructive feedback and valuable tips for my upcoming interview. The mockup interview gave me a better understanding of what to expect in a real life setting."

Minh Hang Nguyen 🇩🇪
UX Researcher at Tech Fleet

„I really enjoyed my session with Franziska. We went through my user research plan and user interview. I received constructive comments and super valuable feedback. Thank you, Franziska!"

Kristina Kirkliauskaitė 🇩🇪
Senior Content Manager, Baltic Amadeus

„Franzi conducted a mock interview with me. Even though I was nervous, Franzi was encouraging and friendly, providing me with constructive feedback and valuable tips for my upcoming interview. The mockup interview gave me a better understanding of what to expect in a real life setting."

Minh Hang Nguyen 🇩🇪
UX Researcher at Tech Fleet

„Franziska was really supporting and she help me understand what I was doing wrong. She share her experience and that gave me new interesting insights to solve my projects. Please reach out to her for advise.”

Mann Schwarz Weiß
Agustín López Aita 🇩🇪
Senior UX/UI Designer, Justtrack

„Franziska is very friendly and professional at the same time. Her tips are very helpful, motivating, and encouraging. She says clearly what is going on and so I know how to approach certain things. It is very valuable that she already has so much experience and gives such really valuable tips. I am glad that I came across her. I look forward to more calls.”

Frau mit Brille
Kim Sophie Schildwächter 🇩🇪
UX/UI Desinger, On the job hunt

„Franziska is an amazing mentor. She provided me with a lot of valuable resources and links to some websites about UX methodologies. We talked about Berlin and the design communities up there. We even agreed on continuing our mentorship in the upcoming period. She is amazing and very experienced mentor! We had a lovely session this afternoon.”

Frau mit Brille
Lejla Omerovic 🇧🇦
Designer at Startup Projects

„Franziska walked with me through my work and had some great insight!”

Mann mit Brille
Tom Castel 🇩🇪
User Experience

„I had the opportunity to talk to her in many areas in the field of UX and she gave me very important advice for my career. It was a pleasure talking to her and I hope our conversations continue for a long time.”

Mann vor Meer
Emirhan Erol 🇹🇷
Emirhan Erol 🇹🇷

„It was super nice and interesting. She is very helpful and has a lot of knowledge.”

Schwarz Weiß Bild Frau
Mareike Kutz 🇩🇪
Ux/Ui, Ironhack
Franzi Detail

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